Our Blog
Infant Massage
Infant Massage When it comes to taking care of your baby, you will often find yourself overwhelmed with all the dos and don’ts of parenting. But here’s the thing: there is no right or wrong way to parent. So even if people recommend something and swear by it, it’s...
Proactive Mental Health for My Pregnancy
Proactive Mental Health for My Pregnancy Pregnancy can be a trying time for your body as well as your mental health. The constantly fluctuating hormone levels, the physical strain, and the upcoming challenges of motherhood can greatly affect your mood. This is why...
How to Enjoy the Sun This Summer While Pregnant
How to Enjoy the Sun This Summer While Pregnant It’s SUMMER! That means it’s about to get hot, hot, hot; especially in South Carolina, and even more especially when you’re pregnant. Even though it can be hot and quite uncomfortable for pregnant women during summer,...
Eating for Two | Prenatal Nutrition Tips
Eating for Two | Prenatal Nutrition Tips Have you heard the saying, “You are eating for two now”? This is a common misconception, which can actually be harmful advice in some cases. Unfortunately, the cliche of not paying careful attention to your nutrition with your...
The Jada System
The Jada System Postpartum hemorrhage is a major cause of morbidity in the postpartum period. At Charleston Birth Place, we have invested in and are strong advocates for the Jada System by Alydia Health when it comes to controlling postpartum bleeding. What is the...
Preparing for a Natural Birth
Preparing for a Natural Birth Natural birth is a beautiful process regardless of how you choose to deliver. The term ‘natural birth’ is used to describe a spontaneous vaginal birth without any pharmacologic medical aid. Women have been delivering the natural way for...
What is a Birth Center?
What is a Birth Center? We’d like to think that everyone knows what birth centers are and is familiar with the quality of care they provide, but we know that isn’t the case. If you are one of those people who isn’t quite sure what a birth center is, we are here to...
Baby Poop Tips
Baby Poop Tips After your baby’s birth, taking care of your baby isn’t an easy feat. One aspect a lot of parents struggle with are the nappies! Handling those dirty diapers isn’t exactly an easy job, but there is so much you can learn from your baby’s poop! Why You...
Newborn Sleeping Tips
Newborn Sleeping Tips The first few months after having a baby tend to be the hardest on new parents. One of the most difficult aspects of parenthood are the many wake-ups throughout the night while your baby adjusts to a sleeping schedule. The general idea of putting...
What to Add to Your Birth Bag
What to Add to Your Birth Bag No matter where you are choosing to give birth, you will need to pack some sort of birth bag. Everyone’s birth bag looks different because you will fill it with things that will make you more comfortable during your labor. We recommend...